3 HVAC Problems Usually Seen in Older Homes in Savannah, GA
For all their beauty, older homes can present their owners with many challenges. Residents of Savannah, GA, who live in older homes sometimes have difficulty maintaining a comfortable environment. Here are three HVAC problems that older homes often present:
Poor Indoor Air Quality
If no one has inhabited an older home for some time, a great deal of dust may settle there and wind up in the air. Pollen and other outdoor pollutants may also find their way into the house through open windows and degrade indoor air quality even further. Since it can be difficult to create adequate ventilation in older homes, removing such pollutants may be challenging.
Generally speaking, the aging of the home’s walls, insulation, ducts, windows and HVAC system all contribute to this problem. These features can create more entryways for pollutants.
Leaky Ducts
Older homes will probably also have older ductwork. For that reason, it’s likely that the ductwork in such homes will be worn down, dilapidated and leaky. Because treated air can escape through leaky ducts, you may have higher utility bills if you live in an older home. Consider investing in a multi-zone ductless HVAC installation for your older home. By doing so, you can enhance comfort in every room and save energy by not heating or cooling unoccupied areas.
Old HVAC System
Any HVAC system that has been in service for more than 20 years has probably reached the end of its useful service life. Such a system, if it works at all, will almost certainly be inefficient and prone to frequent breakdowns. Older houses typically come with old HVAC equipment.
The difficulties mentioned above shouldn’t prevent you from living a wonderful life in an older home. Call Old Coast Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule the best AC and heating services in Savannah, GA.
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